
Quoted from
A Hermeticist's Point of View
Here are the words of:
Pierre Plantard
Prieure de Sion
was this data that was incorporated into the architecture of sacred
buildings. The aim was to produce
the ideal temple of the celestial
ladder, linking the constellations
following geometric proportions by means of
'the rule, the compass and the square''.
This was the marvellous
dream that Jacob had on the stone:
"Here is the house of God, here is the gate of heaven".
is not therefore at Gisors. Although this letter is important:
it is the way, the column, the ladder,
the last nail in order to liberate
Prisoner. "Come on, be brave! Some more jolts and the treasure
bought at the price of such tears
and blood is yours." The traveller, in
the Prisoner's Tower, also finds engraved in the stone a Saint
Nicholas and a date (the other side
of the cube): 1575.
Now Nicholas is in
Greek the seeker of the stone; it is he who revives the three children.
Every one has now heard of the Priory of Sion
But what exactly is SION?
Well the Abbey of Sion does exist
The manor was given
by Rivers, Earl of Devon, to the abbey of St. Mar, Mountbarrow,
in Normandy; passed, at the suppression of alien monasteries,
to the abbey of Sion;
went, at the final dissolution of monasteries, to Catherine,
queen of Henry VIII.......
(extract from Imperial
Gazetteer of England and Wales (1870-72))
The reason for the change
was that his wife and Queen, Matilda, had founded an Abbey
at Caen and this institution was given various estates in
England to provide income. The manor remained under the
control of Caen Abbey until 1338 when it was forfeited to
the crown in view of the war with France at that time.
In 1420 the manor was
given to the
Abbey of Sion in
(extract from the History
of Felsted village, Essex, England)
SION Remember that a Priory is a portal to
an Abbey Order de la Rose Cross Veritas
Also we are told that the Priory of Sion is also the Order
of the True Rose Cross
Depicted here above with the astrological sign
of VIRGO on the right with the French word for BEAR inset
On one side is
the logo for the Superior Inconnu of the
On the other the sign for the
Sulpicians founded by
Jacques Olier
This logo for the Sulpicians is
also depicted in Saunière's garden

But what is Zion/Sion?
Zion means fortress in Hebrew.
According to
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance #6726 it is pronounced Tsiyown, tsee-yone;
Tsijon (as a permanent capital), a mountain of Jerusalem --- Zion.
The word Zion
is found 152 times in the Old Testament.
Sion is
Strong's #7865 SIYON, see-ohn;
peak; Sion, the
summit of Mount Hermon -- Sion.
However, Sion (Deuteronomy
4:48 for Mount Hermon) can also be used to define a district in Jerusalem (Psalms
65:1, KJV).
Remember, too, that Sion is the Greek spelling for Zion
the seven times it is used in the King James Version.
All modern translations use
Zion instead of Sion. Shenir,
Strong's #8149 and Sirion,
Strong's #8304 are words closely related to Sion.
However we have this curious piece from the 1920s:
"1927 "The face
of the deep, of course, would be toward the Pleiades, which are claimed
to be the habitation of Jehovah." (Creation; 1927; 2,175,000 ed.;
p. 94)
1928 "The constellation of the seven stars forming
the Pleiades appears to be the crowning center[sic] around which the
known systems of the planets revolve even as our sun's planets obey
the sun and travel in their respective orbits. It has been suggested,
and with much weight, that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling-place
of Jehovah and the place of the highest heavens;..." (Reconciliation;
1928; p. 14)
1928 "The constellation of the Pleiades is
a small one compared with others which scientific instruments disclose
to the wondering eyes of man. But the greatness in size of other stars
or planets is small when compared with the Pleiades in importance, because
the Pleiades is the place of the eternal throne of God." (Reconciliation;
1928; p. 14)"
Extracts from
Zion's Watchtower
The publication of the Jehovah's
The central star of the Pleiades is
Pronounced Al-see-ohn
In Arabic AL means THE
So what we have here is
City of God
(The Cité Sainte)
Jean Luc Chaumeil has said that Philippe
de Chèrisey entrusted him with his confession in a forty four page treatise
asked him to release this after twenty years.
It is therefore lucky that people are
still interested enough
to care after the phenomenal success of
Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code.
Jean Luc can expect better than normal sales as
a result. The timing is perfect for him isn't it?

Philippe de Chèrisey's
parchment copies held up by Jean Luc Chaumeil.
With the crudely
drawn Plantard CONFESSION(?) appended.
The name Philippe de Chérisey added
almost as an afterthought so that it is split over two lines halfway
through a word.
The word
'photocopie' can clearly be seen at the top of
the red lettering.

Here apparently
4 Rue de Mexico, Paris
So why is the so-called forger photocopying his
own creations?
Could someone explain to Jean Luc Chaumeil that
photocopied documents can be easily faked and are therefore not proof
of anything.
And then there's
Stone and Paper?
Can someone please explain to me why
a person who one day decides to concoct a phrase that turns out to be
nonsense then decides to sit down and write a forty four page treatise
describing how he made up the nonsense.
What for? A simple -
It's all nonsense - signed
Would suffice.
But we also have this:
Abbé Saunière
discover parchments in the church
Sainte Madeleine of Rennes-le-Chateau, their contents have nothing to
do with papers published that and there. It is the same for those which
he exhumed thereafter. The screen of the novel of Gerard de Sède is
astute. All starts in 1888 with the discovery of mysterious encrypted
parchments and it is the decoding whose key is engraved on a tomb which
gives access to the treasure. Doesn't that point out anything to you?
As for the famous documents published and analyzed by Gerard de Sède
(and others...), their appearance falls under the context which I briefly
have just exposed. They were not intended for general public, not more
than the famous booklets. These papers were used as support with an
exchange of messages coded between networks in action, even in competition.
They have nothing to do with a treasure of some nature that it is. However
elsewhere, the authentic texts in fact are engraved in the stone."
Gino Sandri, Secrétaire of the Priory of Sion
Perhaps I should add that Philippe de Cherisey reported
that he had documents stolen in a burglary at his premises at 37, Rue
Saint Lazare and that these came into the possession of Gérard de Sède.
Henry Lincoln hints in The Key to the Sacred Pattern that these may
have included de Chérisey's Pierre et Papier, now supposedly held by
Jean Luc Chaumeil.
Gino Sandri also mentions this in his interview, referring to the
'possessor of the documents' as a singer and part time journalist.
Perhaps a good reason to declare to the world that the stolen
papers were fake anyway. Instantly believed by those who would wish
all this would go away. One does not believe what The Prankster
says unless it is when he says it is all faked. Then it is believed
instantly. Double standards methinks.
So what is the truth?
Whatever the knowledge is it is dangerous

Comedian Michael Bentine
Linguist and
former RAF
Intelligence and who was seconded to
MI9, a unit that
was dedicated to
supporting resistance movements and helping prisoners
escape from France
during WWII, and who once trained the SAS at their HQ in
He once told the
Research Group that investigating Rennes le Chateau can be dangerous.
Michael Bentine had a lifetime interest in the supernatural.
wrote this in his book
The Door Marked Summer

Steven Ward was an osteopath and artist who was the principle player in
Profumo Affair
which brought down the UK Harold Macmillan
His drawings have been made secret for 100 years.
Bentine was right....Rennes le Chateau is dangerous
This story features unsolved murders.
and a more than fleeting reference to dangerous religious cults

See the logo for the
Ordo Templi Solaire on the side of a building in Rennes les
3 miles from Rennes le Chateau.
The OTS was a cult involved in
mass murders and suicides and who once tried to buy the Villa Bethania in
Rennes le Chateau.
To those who still feel that the Priory of Sion,
Plantard and De Cherisey et al has been discredited.
Let me remind them
of a directive made by the Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion in 1984.
that all references to the Prieure de Sion should be denied and that
questions about membership should also be
Asking a suspected
person if they a member of the Prieure de Sion or not or if the Prieure de
Sion exists is a pointless exercise.
Members have been directed to deny
The problem with Secret Societies is they are
Why do you think you should know
anything about them?
So remember
Our egos are not sacred
Only the truth is sacred
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15-Jan-2020 10:08.
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